Food Drive
On Tuesday, October 20th we concluded our food drive, to help Drive Away Hunger in our area. A very big thank-you goes out to our students and their families, our staff, youth groups and the community for your generosity and support of this worthy and much needed event. A special note; our Band collected 200 lbs of food and encouraged donations at the Fall Band Concert, and the grade twelves challenged themselves and collected 255 lbs of food. With your support we brought in over 5100 lbs of food, as donations have continued to come in after the food drive ended. This is a huge boost to the local food bank who depend on our food drive to help stock their shelves. Students involved in Social Justice helped load all this food onto the FCC trailer and unload it at the food bank. It didn’t take long with all the willing hands. Students from the middle years and senior years took shifts going to sort and put away the food collected in the days following the conclusion of the food drive. The FCC representatives and the Food Bank were very impressed and grateful. The generosity of the school community and the community of Grunthal is tremendous. To celebrate meeting our different food amount goals, students have enjoyed a number of activities. We have been treated to a Science Show, a Magic Show, GVS staff being pied by students (that was a big hit), and Mr. Zwaagstra will be wearing jeans for a week. We will be having a lip sync battle at some point yet, so students and staff start practicing.
Chocolate Fundraiser
Thank you to all parents and community members who supported our annual Chocolate Fundraiser. Through your support this fundraiser provides the school with extra money to support special events and activities. In the past we have used the money to buy the picnic tables for outside, supported sporting events like tournaments, put money in to subsidize the yearbook and field trips, and supported student council activities. None of this would be possible without your support – so once again thank you! We would also like to congratulate our major prize winners: Joshua – Selfie stick, Kim – $25 Movie Pass, Kenzie – Camera, Tony – Jets Jersey and Jessica – Mini –iPad. Congratulations also to 5CE, 8JS and 10SH on being the top selling classes in their grade levels and winning the 5 pound chocolate bars to share as a class. A huge thank you to all students who sold chocolates. A number of students sold 3 or 4 cases of chocolate bars while our top seller Kim sold 13 cases. Other top sellers include Carter, Aiden and Justin who all sold 6 cases each. Thank you for supporting the school fundraiser in a massive way and thanks to your family and friends for supporting this effort.