Here are things you can do to support yourself and your family:
*Avoid too much news. While information is important, but overload can add to feelings of fear.
*Take time to care for your own health. Get sleep, eat a healthy diet, get rest, get exercise and do activities that help you lower stress. Get others in your family to do these things too.
*Try to carry on as normal of a life as possible. Normal routines can help us all with feelings of security.
*Share your feelings with others and encourage your family members to talk about their feelings.
*Be positive and work on keeping positive, hopeful thinking.
*Know that all of these conditions are trying to keep you safe and that the closing of schools and other large gathering places is made to keep people safe.
*Answer questions when asked in a simple way. Giving too much detail can be overwhelming.
*Have a sense of structure in your day, rather than constant free time. Structure time for reading and working on homework and be careful of too much screen time.
*Be a role model. If your family sees you are coping well, sees you displaying resilience, sees you are hopeful, then they will more likely react in a positive way.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please send me an email or give me a call during school hours and I will help as best I can.

Best wishes and stay well,

Cam Gerbrandt
School Counsellor

in: General