We hope everyone had a great summer and we look forward to having our students back. September is a full month and we encourage you to check online to stay informed. Our online school calendar and school website are regularly updated to keep you informed. Follow us on Twitter page to stay on top of things and see some of the day to day highlights. For information on the important dates in September, please refer to our startup page: https://gvs.hsd.ca/start-up-information/ Tuesday,… Read More
Our annual talent show is coming up on June 14th; this is one of the highlights of the year. Students, if you have a talent that you want to show off, please signup on the announcements board just outside the art room. Middle years talent show is during the first half of the afternoon, middle years only; senior years is the second half of the afternoon for all students.
Don’t miss out on seeing pictures from the Grade 12 vs. Staff Hockey game which took place before Spring Break. Click here for a link to view them! *Note that you need to sign in with an HSD account to view them.
Parents, please join us to celebrate the learning that has happened in our Middle Years. The Middle Years Learning Expo will be March 20th 4:30 to 6:45pm in the gym. Enjoy displays showcasing classroom work, as well as the opportunity to sit with your child and discuss their own learning via individual student portfolios. We hope you are able to join us!
Sr Varsity Boys will not be going to the AA Basketball Provincials today. Thursday’s game will be rescheduled and played Friday. UPDATE: team will depart from GVS at 7:15 am Friday morning for their 9:00 am game at Immanuel Christian High School. Players should be at GVS no later than 7:10 am . GO PIRATES GO!!!
The digital world is here to stay, changing our society in ways that have far reaching consequences for our children. What are the implications for parenting? How do we harness the spectacular connecting potential and yet avoid the pitfalls of attachment technology gone awry? How do we prepare them to live in this new world and yet preserve what is required for healthy development to take place? We have followed our children into the digital world and yet for their sakes as well as ours, need to restore our lead in order to avoid the insidious dangers that live in the shadows of this potent technology. Dr. Neufeld will look at the digital revolution as a developmentalist committed to helping parents help their children become all they were meant to be.
Dr. Gordon Neufeld, a world-renowned psychologist and best-selling author, addresses these issues and points to a way through. His approach is refreshing and his insights make sense, not only of today’s society but also of the children and youth in our care.
Scholastic Book Fairs gives our school the opportunity to bring families, teachers, students and books together. It’s the ultimate sale event with books and boutique items such as pencils, erasers, posters and more for sale. There are also contests and prize draws. Additionally, a portion of the sales benefits our school. It’s the best way to raise funds while encouraging kids to read. Visit the Scholastic Book Fairs website at www.scholastic.ca/bookfairs to read reviews of the Featured Books. You can also… Read More