Start Up Information

Tuesday, September 5 from 3:45 – 5:00 PM is our Meet the Staff event. All parents and their children are invited and encouraged to drop in to meet their teachers and the rest of the school staff.  It is a chance to tour the school and get any questions answered.  During this time students can go to their homerooms, meet their teacher, bring their supplies, and student fees.  Secretaries will be at school to accept student fees, permission forms, and assist with… Read More

in: General

Grad 2018 fall retreat

By now, all Grade 11 students should have received information on their upcoming grad retreat which will take place Sept. 25-26, 2017 at Camp Cedarwood. The cost is $80 which along with the waiver is due to be handed in at the office by June 9, 2017. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the office at 204-434-6415.

in: General

No Parking at EMB Church on Thursday, April 27th

Attn: students, staff and visitors to GVS next Thursday, April 27th, the EMB Church parking lot is OFF LIMITS due to the church being used that day. Please find an alternative place to park.

in: General

GVS Arts Evening – April 20th, 5:00 – 8:00

Student band participants Bakery items on tableCome for an evening of music performances and art exhibits on April 20th.  See the best of Green Valley’s artistic talent firsthand:  pastries created by our own Pastry Class, music presented by our Music Department, artwork by the Middle Years and Senior Years Art Department, and drama by the Senior Years Drama Department.

in: General

Canteen Update

Kitchen area within canteen GVS Canteen refreshmentsOur Canteen face-lift has been completed with new cabinets, lights, plumbing, and ceiling.  We’re in full operation again – the Breakfast program has resumed for Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, and Pizza Fridays will continue.

in: General

Career Cafe’ & Exhibition

HSD is hosting a  Career Cafe’ & Exhibition  at the SRSS on Wednesday, April 5th, 5:30 to 8:00.  The exhibition features over 40 professionals from 16 different industries, a chance to speak with them about their careers, their education, and what a typical day looks like.  Displays will be set up from various organizations and companies.  This will be a great evening designed to help prepare students about what to do after high school.  For more information, please contact Darcey Steiner at or call… Read More

in: General

Canteen – March 20-24

Please note the canteen will not be available next week (March 20-24) due to renovations. Because of this, there will be NO breakfast program or pizza day for the week.

in: General

Middle Years Parent Teacher Interviews

Middle Years Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Mar. 22.  We will again have an online signup for all teachers except specialty teachers. Specialty Teacher conferences (Phys-Ed, Tech-Ed, Band, Languages) will be on a drop-in basis.  To book your appointment, use the link on the website or go directly to .  If you have any questions or to book your appointment over the phone as in the past, feel free to contact GVS at  204-434-6415 .  

in: General