• Library News
  • Scholastic Reading Club
  • Library Search Engine
  • Scholastic Book Fair

February was a busy month around GVS & the library.
It was I Love to Read Month with different activities and
reading challenges and the annual
“Drop Everything and Read” time each day.
There was the “Guess Who? Is a Reader Like You?!”
contest. The “Blind Date With a Book” activity saw over
220 books unwrapped and taken out.
Thanks to the 7TD students who made posters and to
those staff and students who helped write up the tags
and wrap the books. Our display of “Red Any Good Books
Lately?” saw lots of “red” books signed out and lots of
books were taken out from the “Reading Across Canada”
display which featured library books by Canadian authors
from all our provinces and territories. I appreciate all the
GVS students and staff who took time out of their busy
days to help make all the library events a success. Thank
you, Pirates, and keep on reading!

Hey there families! Ready to discover the characters and stories your kids love?

The Scholastic Reading Club makes it easy for you and your child to buy books that will spark a love of reading!

Every time you place an order, our school benefits. There are paper order forms available each month for those who need them. For those who want to order online, the Scholastic Reading Club website is https://bookclubs.scholastic.ca/ where you can shop for items 24/7 by grade or by digi-flyers. This option also has a lot more items than the paper flyers. When you have your items ready to checkout online, please enter the Class Code RC165287 for our school to earn rewards. You can pay with credit card or through PayPal.

If you need to pay with cash or cheque, please bring your order (with your name and homeroom on it) and the money to Mrs. T. Friesen (the Librarian) and she will place your order for you. All cheques should be made payable to Green Valley School. All items ordered online or through GVS, will be shipped to the school. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. T. Friesen by email at tfriesen@hsd.ca or by calling the school at 204-434-6415.

Click here to access ebooks through TUMBLEBOOKS



  • Go to http://destiny.hsd.ca/ and search for books to check out by choosing Green Valley School. You can use a chromebook, a tablet, a PC or a cellphone. Login using your school computer username and password to Destiny Discover (scroll down for more detailed instructions below if you need them).
  • Put the books ON HOLD. Only pick books that are IN. If a book is already OUT, please pick another one. Maximum of 5 books per order.
  • Students, you can pick up your library books on the cart outside the library door. Please be patient if they are not ready the day you ordered them.
  • If you have any questions, please email me, Mrs.T. Friesen, at  tfriesen@hsd.ca or stop by the library.
  • Please return books to the plastic tub outside the library door.
  • Take care, stay safe pirates and READ!

Official Website | Lego library, Legoland, Lego city display

Thank you to all the GVS staff, students and their families for making the Scholastic Saddle Up and Read Book Fair a success! We achieved a record breaking amount of sales which means that new books and/or resources can be purchased for the library and classrooms, including most of the books on the library wish list. Thank you to all those who volunteered before, during and after the sale. There was a flurry of activity with decorating, unpacking boxes and organizing books and boutique items, putting up posters, cutting up prize draw entry tickets, setting up the contests, helping at the sales desk and the library counter, shelving books, packing up the leftover books and so much more. Congratulations to all the winners of the various Book Fair contests!


Howdy families! Ready to discover the characters and stories your kids love?

The Scholastic Book Fair is returning to GVS, in-person, Jan. 24th – 26th, 2024! This year’s theme is Wild West: Saddle Up and Read.

It’s the ultimate sale event with books and boutique items such as pencils, erasers, posters and more for sale. There are also contests and prize draws.

Additionally, a portion of the sales benefits our school. It’s the best way to raise funds while encouraging kids to read.

Book Fair Dates: January 24th-26th, 2024  Times:  9:00am–4:00pm  Location:  GVS Library

Family Night Event Date/Times: Thursday, January 25th,  4:00pm–7:00pm.

We accept cash and cheques (made payable to GVS), debit and credit cards. Visit the fair on Family Night for a chance to win $25 in books for your home library and your students’ classroom library. Soon, you can visit the Scholastic Book Fairs website to read reviews of the Featured Books, watch book trailers and author videos and more.  To sneak a peek at some of the books, follow this link!

If you are interested in volunteering to help or learning more about our Scholastic Book Fair, please contact Mrs. T. Friesen (librarian) at 204-434-6415 or by email tfriesen@hsd.ca.   Thank you in advance for helping make our students lifelong readers – we couldn’t do it without your participation and support.